Is it available locally?
No, it is only available online.
Do you ship worldwide? How much and how fast?
Yes, wherever FedEx or DHL goes. Delivery is free and it takes approximately 3-5 business days.
Are there downloadable options?
No, for your information, it takes 3 to 4 business days for FedEx to deliver the hard disk. If you have a 10mbps fiber broadband, it will take 4 days to download. Anything less than 1mbps will take approximately 45 days of none stop downloading. Below is a rough estimate of the number of days it takes to download 1TB of data on a high speed internet for 24 hours 7 days none stop basis:
256 kbit/s (ADSL) 388 Days
512 kbit/s (ADSL) 194 Days
1 Mbit/s (ADSL) 99 Days
2 Mbit/s (ADSL) 50 Days
7.2 Mbit/s (3G) 13 Days
8 Mbit/s (ADSL) 12 Days
10 Mbit/s (Fiber) 10 Days
24 Mbit/s (ADSL) 4 Days
80 Mbit/s (4G) 30 Hours
100 Mbit/s (Fiber) 24 Hours
Is it cheaper to download?
No, in fact, it will cost both you and me more to download. You will have to buy your own hard disk, leave your computer switched on for days, and probably used up all of your yearly broadband quota because the total size is 1TB.
Can I trust your company? Is this a scam?
That is why we only accept payment via PayPal (with buyer protection), we don’t accept anonymous direct cash deposit such as Western Union or MoneyGram. We are a registered PayPal seller and we have provided necessary documents to PayPal for them to accept us as a merchant, thus you can trust PayPal. PayPal also comes with buyer protection!
Is the hard disk mac compatible?
Unfortunately, no. The file system is Windows compatible only.